The Winter Season represents the water element, the kidneys, adrenal glands, bladder and bones. In Traditional Chinese medicine the kidneys are considered to be the body’s source of energy. When the seasons change different organs become vulnerable as our bodies shift to keep balanced. In winter, the water element predominates which corresponds to our kidneys and bladder. There are simple habits, foods, herbs and acupuncture techniques we can employ to keep our kidneys and our whole system healthy and strong during the winter.
During the cold and dark of winter, there is a natural inclination to slow down and 'hibernate'. This is a good instinct that we should listen to. Winter is a great time to get more rest and allow ourselves time to turn inward. Unfortunately, in this culture, the pace of life does not change much with the seasons- we still work, commute and stay as busy as ever. During the winter months, I love when a really big snowstorm will stop everything in its tracks. The power of nature overpowers us, and everyone needs to stop. The roads and the world become quiet, even if just for a little while. When this happens, I love the beauty and silence that it creates. Even the snow falling is silent and can create a feeling of peace within. Meditation is a practice that happen naturally during the winter- when the pull towards introspection can be quite strong.
The winter is also the time to stay warm, especially the lower back where the Kidneys and Bladder are. In acupuncture we are very fond of the use of moxibustion during this time of year. In Chinese Medicine, the kidneys are our 'pilot light', the source of our core energy that ignites all of the others systems in the body. By warming the lower back with the use of 'moxa', we can tonify and strengthen this pilot light and it can keep the body warm and full of energy throughout the winter. A great technique to use at home, is to buy a buckwheat pillow and warm it in the microwave for 1-2 minutes and then place it on your lower back while relaxing each evening. I recently found a great pillow at CVS for $15 called the bed buddy that works great for this purpose. It is amazing how much warmth it puts off and lasts for quite awhile. The pillow also works great for a stiff neck that often takes in the cold of winter!
According to Chinese ancient wisdom, one of the best drinks during the wintertime is Ginger Tea. Ginger has always played the role of warding off colds and flu in the Chinese herbal medicine system, because colds and flu are considered “coldness” from outside, while ginger can enhance the “warmness” from within. So, everyone continue to eat your warm hearty soups, teas and enjoy the slow pace of winter whenever you can. You will be storing up your inner energy for a bountiful and overflowing spring!!