Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Spring & the Wood Element

"The supernatural forces of spring create wind in Heaven and wood upon the Earth. Within the body they create the liver and the tendons; they create the green color...and give the voice the ability to make a shouting sound...they create the eyes, the sour flavor and the emotion anger."
--The Yellow Emporor's Classic of Internal Medicine

Spring is in the air and those of us who have been patiently waiting all winter long, couldn't be more ready! After a long winters rest, the power of springtime surges through nature and through us as well. We want to be outside, to take deep breaths of the sweet smelling air and move out the sluggishness of winter. There is so much to say about this season, and so many ways that we can grow and thrive with it. I am going to explore many ways to thrive during the spring, through diet, herbal medicine, exercise & yoga, cleansing, acupuncture & connecting with nature. I'll explore one of these topics each week, so we can go deeply into each one.

Wood is the element of Spring and it gives us the power of birth and renewal. It enables us to move forward with vision and a fresh start! In Chinese Medicine, we look to see what is happening in nature around us, and then, realizing that we are a part of nature, see how these similar dynamics are happening within us, on a physical, emotional and spiritual level as well. Looking at spring, we can see that it is a time of re-birth, of awakening from a slumber, increasing light & warmth (yang) and also a time for the planting of seeds. After the snow melts and the earth is no longer frozen, flowers and plants can begin to grow anew. We can take our cues from nature and plant some new seeds in our life, make some new plans and goals that will bear fruit and a plentiful harvest as the seasons progress. This is a great time of year to start new creative projects, eat fresh and vibrant foods and gently cleanse the body to start fresh with the season. It is the best time of year to look ahead at our path, and formulate new ideas, make decisions and determine our direction for the coming year...and to take action!

In Traditional Chinese medicine, the Wood element represents the liver and gall bladder. The Liver energy is all about making our plans, and the Gall Bladder gives the ability to make good decisions and judge wisely. If these are in balance, then growth and movement happen easily. Yet many times, people feel 'stuck' in their ability to have a clear vision, plan and sense of direction. This can lead to frustration and anger, which are the emotions of an out of balance Wood element.
This is very common in our culture where stress the norm and the time for creative projects and walks in the woods can be hard to squeeze in!

The climate associated with Wood is Wind. Wind has dynamic movement, is an agent for change and brings in new ideas and influences. It encourages and challenges the wood element to be flexible in its plans and fluid with the unpredictability of life. Physically, the wind can carry many of the illness of springtime, including the allergens that come with new growth. It can also enter the neck and upper back, causing stiffness and colds to enter. So, even though the warmth is exciting, don't put away your scarf too early. In fact, during the spring, try some light scarves to protect your neck from the elements that can still carry some of the remnants of the winter chill.

There is much to say about this exciting time of year, but lets walk through it slowly together so that the full power of this season can be fulfilled. Here are some suggestions for ways to step into the spring season and wood element.

*Begin the day early, with a fresh, brisk walk outside. I find that it can be hard to motivate to do this, but once outside, I am ALWAYS so glad to begin the day in this way!
*Begin some new things- at home, at work and in your self. Start a new craft, cook some different recipes, be open to the new!
*Have a clear vision for what you want to harvest. Spring is a strong, but short burst of time! Create some clear goals and go for it!

1 comment:

  1. This is truly wonderful! Thank you Melissa! I am headed in this very direction. I feel supported by your words.
