Monday, September 13, 2010

Autumn Harvest and the Winds of Change...

Well, I seemed to have skipped writing about the fire element....hmmm....guess it was just too hot out to focus in on it!  Oh well, but for me, it is with great relief that the weather has cooled off, and we can breathe the fresh crisp air again.  The harvest is plentiful this time of year, and the time to get to the local farmer's markets and stock up on these delicious gifts.  My obsession right now is raspberry picking.  The fall raspberries are incredible right now and will be ripe for the picking until mid-October.  This past weekend, my family and I went to Silferleaf Farm in Concord, MA which offers beautiful certified-organic raspberries and a beautiful place to spend an afternoon.  Here is their information if you are interested...460 Strawberry Hill Rd. Concord, MA 01742. Phone # (978) 369-3624.  There are also of course many opportunities to pick apples all around the Boston area!  To look at all the possibilities check out

I want to mention these options, because Fall is such a beautiful and healthy time of year to be outdoors.  It's also the time for gathering nature's products before winters rest.  According to Chinese Medicine, the element for fall is Metal, which controls the Lung and Large Intestine.  This is a great time of year to breath this crisp and healthy air.  To nourish the Lungs, to keep them strong throughout the winter season.  Also, similar to spring, Fall is a good time for cleansing- particularly the colon.  Taking probiotics and gentle colon cleansers can prepare the body for the warming and heavier foods of winter.  This is a good time to add extra juices to the diet, particularly ones that are in season:  carrots, beets, apple, raspberry etc...  The Lungs and Large Intestine are two areas of the body that must stay clean for their best function, and environmental pollutants of cities, smoking and dietary excesses can hinder them.  This is why, breathing fresh clean air, eating fresh local foods and drinking cleansing juices should be the practice of Fall. 

I will continue to post regularly about staying healthy with this season.  More about the metal element and preparing for Winter...(but lets not think about that just yet!)

So, enjoy the beauty of Autumn and lets hope it's a nice long season!!

1 comment:

  1. Autumn Harvest and the Winds of Change is very harmful for Humen life
