Join Acupuncture Connections in eliminating white sugar, white flour and dairy for 1 week from Monday November 10th- Monday November 17th! Let support each other in setting a healthy tone this winter and avoiding the extra winter weight!!
Here is some inspiration to get you started!
The Three Whites: Sugar, Flour and Dairy
why greatly reducing or eliminating these foods will enhance your health
In Chinese Medicine, food is medicine. We literally are what we eat! So why not eat foods that are life affirming, instead of depleting and the cause of ailment? Eliminating these three foods will reduce inflammation, help with weight loss, make the body less acidic, and improve health overall, here’s why.
- White Sugar- of the three whites, this one is clearly the worst. It is highly processed, addictive and hidden in so many processed foods. According to Dr N.W. Walker, “When we eat sugar in any shape or form, it ferments in the system, causing the formation of acetic acid, carbonic acid and alcohol. This acid is detrimental to the intestinal tract and the alcohol gradually damages the texture of the kidneys and pancreas.” Sugar is pro-inflammatory and speeds up the aging process. It also promotes a dangerous growth of fat cells around the vital organs causing diabetes and heart disease. Sugar also compromises the immune system, making you more susceptible to colds. How to get your sweet fix? Go for fresh or dried fruits, a little raw honey in your tea, or a fruit juice or smoothie instead!
- White Flour- white flour is really almost the same as eating white sugar. It converts to sugar very quickly during digestion, thus causing stress on the pancreas and releasing high amounts of insulin. Insulin is the hormone that signals the storage of fat! It is highly processed and missing the two most nutritious parts of it, the bran and the germ. There is literally no nutritional value to this product. It is a refined food that leaves many malnourished, constipated, and overweight and vulnerable to many illnesses. Opt for whole gains such as brown rice, quinoa, millet, spelt and more instead!
- Dairy- humans are the only species on earth to drink milk after infancy and the only ones to drink another animal’s milk. Cow’s milk is 3-4 times higher in protein that human milk, while at the same time being significantly more deficient in essential fatty acids. Dairy is acidic and produces an inflammatory response in the body and is one of the main allergens for people today, with up to 75% of the world’s population showing some intolerance to it. Believe it or not, dairy products actually have low absorbable calcium and can actually cause osteoporosis due to its acidic and high protein composition. Better sources of calcium are spinach, kale, white beans, black beans, soy products, salmon and molasses.
So basically, try to reduce your intake of refined white food and replace it with a beautiful, colorful array of fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Start reading labels and you will be shocked at how many foods contain sugar. Remember 80% is perfection, don’t be rigid but do your best and your body will surely thank you for it!
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