Saturday, April 14, 2012

To Cleanse or not to Cleanse....that is the question!?!

I totally believe in cleansing the body....when other people do it, I think, good for you!!  But, when it comes to doing it myself I have a great deal of resistance.  I understand the benefits of periodically letting the digestive system & liver rest and rejuvenate, especially after the heavy diets and lack of exercise that winter can often bring.  Clearing toxins from the body, can be like washing your home's windows after a long winter, everything becomes clearer.  But until now, all of the cleanses that I knew about told me, "here drink lemon juice with cayenne and maple syrup for a week" or "drink only juice."  Ummmm, ok, I don't think so!!  I'm hungry just thinking about that.

But this year I am actually going to embark on a 21 day cleanse based on the book Clean by Alejandro Junger.  It is balanced, you drink delicious smoothies, eat healthy 'Clean' foods and can snack on those foods as much as needed when hungry throughout the day.  Now don't get me wrong, I'm terrified, and not sure that I can actually do it, but I am ready to test the waters of practicing spring cleansing and experience the benefits first hand.

It's funny because I really LOVE spring home, my pantry, my garden....anything I can get my hands on in the EXTERNAL world.  And when those things are clean and clear, I feel great; more clear minded and calmer.  But INTERNALLY I would squeeze some lemon in my water and that's about it!  So, this year I will take the plunge.  I am going to document my journey on this blog, day by day, and I welcome you to join me.  Either just by reading and laughing at me (with me?!), or actually participate in the cleanse and we can complain and celebrate together!

I am beginning on Sunday April 29th, and Good Chi Acupuncture will be having a kick off event with a Skype talk by Alejandro Junger, a 'Clean' meal, yoga taught by yours truly, acupuncture and chair massage.  So if you are local, please join us!  If you are curious about clean and want more info check out  Or you can check out Gweneth Paltrow's health website  If a celebrity does this cleanse, that must mean it's good right?!?

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