Friday, April 27, 2012

Elimination Diet- Day 3- Oy Headaches!

Woke up this morning hungry and with a headache!  Had a great smoothie, plus apples with almond butter and so the hunger was gone, but man the headache just won't go.  I was told this would happen around day three, and so here it is!  On a good note, the stars aligned so that I could go to a yoga class today and it was so great.  It was the first moment I had to finally realize that I was doing this cleanse and that is was something I was doing for ME!!  I spend all day, everyday, 24/7 taking care of my three year old son, my twin 6 month old girls, my dog, my husband, my home, my to close my eyes in yoga, focus on my breath, stretch my body and also acknowledge that this cleanse is a gift that I am giving myself, was a profound shift in focus.  I think until today, the cleanse was just a goal that I wanted to achieve, a science experiment of sorts...will I have those experiences that Alejandro talks about in the book?!?  Now, it feels more internal, quieter. 

Also, the breathing, meditation and stretching felt like a key component in cleansing the body.  All of these 'toxins' that we release through this cleanse are held in the muscles, joints, breath, blood, etc... While I was stretching, twisting, breathing, I could feel that this was deepening the detox experience.  I am so looking forward to doing yoga with all of you who are coming to the Clean event this Sunday!  It will be so exciting to begin this intense journey together!

At one point today, I was doing dishes at my sink, and daydreaming about different ways that I can prepare lentils...oh boy...I am already losing it!!!  Had a great dinner tonight though- grilled lamb, sauteed asparagus and a brown rice and lentil pilaf....oh lentils how I love thee:)

See you Sunday!

P.S.  I highly encourage all of you to post your comments and experiences here.  We are in this together!!  Has anyone else had any headaches??  I will also post recipes that I have really liked, and would love for you all to share as well!

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